Plant-Rich Diet Infographic: Exploring the benefits of switching to a plant-rich diet.
Data is sourced from original scientific data sets.
We are increasingly surrounded by data yet how do we use and present data in a way that is relevant to consumers? How can graphics be crafted to create behaviour change?
Plant-rich diets are among one of the top solutions proposed by Project Drawdown of how we can begin to reduce the excess of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. I designed a scrolling infographic to educates individuals about the importance of reducing meat and incorporating more plants into their diets. Comparisons to tangible and everyday objects help readers better grasp abstract ideas. Some myth-busting keeps the material fun and engaging and dynamic norm statements coupled with suggestions for small and manageable changes over time results in messaging more likely to empower people to adopt new habits knowing others are already doing so. People like to be trendy!
Sustainability research on the topic of plant-rich diets from original open-source data sets and scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Infographic design. sustainable storytelling, principles of storytelling for behavior change.
Adobe Illustrator
Final Infographic - Visual Communications for Sustainability - MASD Fall 2020